Saturday, July 25, 2020

Shake off the Blues with Music Blogs & More by @LatinaTurk

As our world seems to get worse on an array of fronts each day, with COVID-19, Hurricanes Hanna, Gonzolo and Douglas heading for Texas and Hawaii, along with civil tensions, jobs, school starting in person or online....everyone needs some positivity and a few moments of happiness.

You must see this amazing Music Blog by Ms. Lynn/@LatinaTurk! The colors and images are so inviting,  and the music, enchanting!

An amazing person, Lynn is a multi-talented, bright business-savvy entreprenueur and a kind humanitarian! Her passion is traveling to Turkey to take supplies, gifts and smiles to village in need. She loves tennis, dancing, people, social media and of course, music! 

Here are some of her favorite places to post:

So if you, like most of us, are feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that is happening around us, please visit one of Lynn's fun sites to escape and re-energize!

To Wear a Mask or Not - Video Experiment with a Doctor and a Reporter

This was sent to us by a friend, who also happens to be a TSA professional. It made an impression on us, and may on you as well. 

The doctor takes various samples of the reporter with his mask on or off, talking, breathing, singing, coughing at close range and at social distancing. 

We hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe, well and happy! 
Please take care.